Read these instructions carefully PURCO SA will not accept responsibility for submission errors or omissions. Start early. Your submission must be finalised and uploaded before the submission deadline. Your submission and bid files are time-stamped when submitted - if the time is after the deadline your bid will be disqualified. Very important. If your files are large or your connection is slow the upload may take a couple of minutes. Save drafts of your submission as you proceed, and press submit when all requirements are uploaded. Wait for the confirmation page when you submit. If you are not redirected to the confirmation page your upload was not successful - refresh your page and resubmit. You will receive a confirmation email after submission. Check your spam if you do not receive it.
If you experience technical problems
Submission deadline: This Tenderbox webform will be disabled at SUBMISSION DEADLINE DATE TIME HERE. After the deadline you will not be able to submit or edit your bid. Start early: your submission must be finalised and uploaded before the submission deadline. Your submission and bid files are time-stamped when submitted - if the time is after the deadline your bid will be disqualified.
Note for Palvi: List all the mandatory fields (including markup fields) in the order they are set up in the content-type node This fieldset is visible for all bidders
Note for Palvi: List all the functionality fields for this basket (including markup fields) in the order they are set up in the content-type node This fieldset is only visible if the basket was checked in the Select baskets fieldset