Events, conferences and exhibitions

PURCO SA offers a full programme of events that provide a platform for collaboration, learning and networking.

Our events programme is well supported by procurement executives, buyers and financial decision-makers from almost every higher education institution in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana, as well as other University staff and many Suppliers who use the event platforms to build and sustain industry connections.

PURCON - Our Annual Conference and Exhibition
Our PURCO SA Annual Conference and Exhibition provides a platform where procurement, finance and other higher education professionals come together to share ideas, practical experiences and challenges regarding Public Procurement. The conference is attended by delegates from almost every higher education institution in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana.

The parallel Exhibition provides an unparalleled opportunity for suppliers to connect with higher education buyers throughout South Africa, Botswana and Namibia. The event is specifically designed to deliver value to Members and exhibitors, providing maximum collaboration with the procurement and finance decision-makers and influencers who attend.

Details of the PURCON Annual Conference and Exhibition are available at

The PURCO SA Ponder series of fortnightly virtual events was launched in June 2021. Thousands of Member and Supplier participants have attended the online sessions, which are available at no cost to Members and Suppliers.

Member Meetings
In addition to our Annual General Meeting, we host an Annual Meeting alongside the Conference as well as quarterly Regional Meetings. Since the Covid pandemic meetings are also hosted virtually to facilitate broader participation.