Rhodes inaugurates new VC

Dr Sizwe Mabisela was inaugurated as Vice Chancellor on Friday, 27 February 2015. H e has been at Rhodes for 10 years. Prior to his appointment as Vice-Chancellor, he served as Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic and Student Affairs since 2008.

Government follows PURCO SA lead

An article on SupplyManagement.com reports that a National Treasury review of public sector supply chain management has recommended an increase in nationally negotiated contracts and greater use of strategic sourcing.

Procurement Is No Longer Just a Numbers Game

We've heard it before: chief procurement officers aren't just cost-cutters. They're contributing real value to the organization. But is that really true? If a new CPO study from IBM’s Institute for Business Value is to be believed, it’s actually starting to happen, according to an article on www.supplychainbrand.com .

More money needed for education

The higher education sector is at risk due to lack of funding, the University of Witwatersrand said on Wednesday. "The amount of funding available for students wanting to pursue tertiary education is inadequate and well below that of international norms in similar developing countries," vice chancellor and principal, Professor Adam Habib said in a statement.

Sol Plaatje makes history

SABC reported on Monday 12 January that the newly established Sol Plaatje University is making history, by being the first institute on the continent to offer a degree in Data Science. The first group of students that registered at the university in 2014 obtained an 80% pass rate. Enrollment increased from 105 in 2014 to 375.

Astonishing: high tech university future

'Frankly, I do not like teenage geeks with takkies, straight out of college, predicting the collapse of “brick and mortar” universities and the advent of a brave new world in which college comes to you through a computer screen,' says Professor Jonathan Jansen, in an online Rand Daily Mail Online article.
